The Art of Code

Venue: Enclave Lab
Date: 21 March 2019
Curator: Kristine Tan and Sapphire Paston
Artists: Rebecca Aston, Emma Dutton, Teodora Sinziana Fartan, Juliette Pepin

The Art of Code

A series of artist presentations highlighting the creative processes of artist working with code and exploring the possibilities of their evolving practice. New work in progress was presented and a discussion of the methodologies and ways of thinking that open up when artists engage in creative computation was held. With digital technologies playing a ubiquitous role in our lives, our experiences are increasingly mediated by code, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Artists who work with code embrace the expressive potential of this technological medium and push its creative boundaries in new and inventive ways. Far from the cold, machine aesthetic we might associate with some applications of digital technology, these artists engage with materiality and affect, contributing to contemporary discourses of postcolonialism, feminism, temporality and ecology.

Part of WIP it good – a multidisciplinary programme of art exhibitions and event on the them of work in progress, curated by a team of Goldsmiths MFA Curating students.